“Yes, with true joy, all united in one heart, let us celebrate the sweetest feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary: let us gather around her altar, let us embrace her feet and implore her to bless us in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Oh!  May Mary cover us all, with her virginal mantle giving us her faith, her ardent love for Jesus…yes, let us soon become saints under the gaze of the Virgin…” (Mother Seraphina, Circular No.1)

The Virgin Mary, bearer of the Mysteries, who placed herself at the service of God and humanity, is the model of fidelity and self- giving. Under the title of “the Immaculate Conception”, she is the “Patroness of this tiny branch sprung from the original Franciscan root” (Constitution 1933, Art. 18)